








策划推出“世界长江 中国春节”系列年味短片


春节是中国最重要的节日。The Spring Festival is the most celebrated holiday in China.人们会提前30天开始准备。People start preparing 30 days in advance.中国有句俗话“过了腊八就是年”。As a Chinese saying goes, "After Laba comes the Spring Festival".一整年的辛勤忙碌之后,从腊月初八开始享受生活的乐趣。After a year of hard work, they begin to enjoy life from the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

在中文里,鱼和富足的发音相同。In Chinese, the word for fish sounds like “abundance” .所以,长江流域的年夜饭上,鱼是不可缺少的菜品。That's why fish is an essential dish on the New Year's Eve dinner table in the Yangtze River Basin.渔民因为武昌鱼丰收而喜悦。Fishermen are joyful over a bountiful catch of Wuchang bream.

‍‍厨师会挑选重量合适的鱼制作美味的菜肴。The chefs carefully select the right-sized fish to prepare delicious dishes.去掉鱼鳞和内脏,打上花刀,再用热水冲洗,加盐、姜片、小葱腌制。They remove the scales and guts, score the fish, rinse with hot water, and marinate it with salt, ginger slices, and green onions.湖北有千湖之省的称号。Hubei is known as the "Province of a Thousand Lakes".湖北人对鱼的喜爱早在2400年前就开始了。Hubei people's love for fish dates back as early as 2,400 years ago.


More than 1,300 years ago, during the Northern Song dynasty, the famous poet and gourmet Su Shi wrote the lines, “Morning sun shines on the river, and swimming fish resemble jade bottles,” describing Wuchang bream.


Chairman Mao also penned the line "Just had Changsha's water, now Wuchang bream" during his time in Wuhan.


In Hubei, a single Wuchang bream carries the joy of a fisherman’s bountiful harvest, the pride of chefs crafting delicious dishes, the longing of distant travelers for their hometown, and the shared hope for good fortune in the coming year.

鄂州花湖机场打破了湖北前往各地需跨越至少两省的时空局限,让武昌鱼能在 48 小时内抵达全球。

Ezhou Huahu Airport has shattered the spatio - temporal constraint that Hubei people used to cross at least two provinces to reach other places. 


Now, Wuchang fish can reach the world within 48 hours.Emerging from history, empowered by modern civilization.Wuchang bream is taking the flavors and tales of Hubei global.It's a cross - time resonance of the pioneering spirit.Just like the ancient Spring Festival, it always embodies new hopes.

‍漂泊异乡的游子不管多远,都要和家人团聚。No matter how far they are, travelers make their way back home to reunite with their families.而每一张团圆的饭桌上,一定会有一道武昌鱼烹饪的美味菜肴。On every reunion dinner table, there is always a delectable dish made with Wuchang bream.新年的欢乐氛围,因为武昌鱼而变得更加浓厚。The festive atmosphere of the lunar new year becomes even richer thanks to this special fish.

‍有武昌鱼的春节,格外有滋味儿。A Spring Festival with Wuchang bream is especially flavorful.

“世界长江 中国春节”系列年味短片

